Monday, January 19, 2009

I love to learn!

Ok, so I was the teacher's pet growing up you know the one that always tattled on you right? I can't help it if I like to follow rules and you didn't! Lol. I love to be creative but since I have that 'must have rules' mentality it's hard to think outside the box sometimes and be free to make mistakes (I hate mistakes, they go against my frugalness! is.. that a new word?).

I made some more baby food for Kailey today but I couldn't take pics because hubby went with my FIL to the McWayne Center with Alyssa and Tyler. (YAY!) I have tons of things to get done though.. one of which is a mountain of clean clothes to fold.. really a mountain. No one tells you before you have kids how much laundry you are going to have to keep up with!
I almost have all the 'first foods' made for Kailey. I have green beans, peas, bananas (I don't like how they turn brown if you freeze them so I didn't make much), pear, apple, and today I made carrots and butternut squash. I have never had butternut squash or avocado (which is in the fridge) but I tried the squash and actually liked it.. even though I *think* I remember not likeing yellow squash... It's bad being a picky eater when you want your kids to eat well.

I have been really suprised at how easy this has been. I mean, for me to say it's easy when I have never cooked anything.. other than grilled chicken, tacos, spaghetti, and my specialties chocolate oatmeal candy, and sausage balls... that's something. So I KNOW you can do it too.
I used my double boiler/steamer today since the squash was huge.. it made 3 full trays of baby food cubes :D Wait let's see how much that cost *mad dash to receipt* 2.3lbs @ $.98 lb = $2.25
Did you see that? each cube is about an ounce and there is 16 cubes in a tray times 3 trays =48oz. Think about how much 48oz of baby food would cost at the store! I wish I had known about this the first two times around, well cloth diapers too lol. The peaches and avocados will have to wait until tomorrow :)

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